Build your new investment property using your Self Managed Superannuation Fund
SMSF property investing means using retirement savings to purchase income-producing real estate. Wealth & Property Partners have created a simple blueprint for using SMSF investments to finance the development of real estate.
Currently, SMSF Investors cannot invest in properties with a two-part contract, which limits their investment options. There are alternative solutions though. WPP will guide you through the 3 Step process from choosing your house and land package, arranging the finances, overseeing the build through to taking ownership of your new property.

WPP will help you choose a house and land package at the location of your choice. Select from a range of home designs including single, double, duplex and dual occupancy builds.

An SMSF is created which enters into a single part contract paying the 35% deposit required to secure the property. We are unique and distinctive where by, we source the land, oversee the construction of the property and all payments to the builder.

On completion of the build, the remaining balance of 65% is paid by a loan via the SMSF secured by a specialist lender. The completed property is then transferred and the sale is finalised with the SMSF now owning your new investment property.